In about a week’s time Kierah will be strapping back into the #8 Hyper Microsprint to contest her first race meeting of the New Season on the 27th October.

It just so happens that like last season her first race meeting is to be the NSW State Title held at Oakburn Park Speedway, Tamworth.

“Its pretty good that Oakburn Park Speedway will be hosting our NSW Title again, I love the track, the team at Oakburn Park put a massive effort into their track prep which pays off as it provides not only the Microsprints with a fantastic race surface but all other divisions that are racing on the night as well”

Kierah had a 4th place in her first ever race meeting in a Microsprint at the NSW Title last year, she is surely hoping to make the podium this year “that is always my aim is to make the podium, If we can go a couple of higher places this time round I will be very pleased with that”

Having to rebuild two engines over the off season, Kierah will have two Seven Star 270cc Engines at her disposal. ” Steve and Amanda from Seven Star Performance have been fantastic in rebuilding My engines, they look after me and go above and beyond what an Engine builder should do”

A strong lineup of Microsprints are set to nominate for the NSW Title. Be sure to check in after to see how Kierah went at the NSW Title.